Everything you (didn't) want to know about using a cock ring.
Q. How can I use a cock ring ?
A. Ah, I love one-liners. Simple and to the point, and you, dear person, make no bones or fancy talk about your situation. How do you use a cock ring? The words flow off the page like crisp butter in a pan, except that instead of butter and a pan, it’s a cock and a cock ring. Either way, you can expect a pleasure that is bound to stimulate you in very specific rings.
Simply put, cock rings are a ring that you put on an erect or semi-erect penis, usually around the base of the shaft, though sometimes directly underneath the head or even fully around the testicles. The cock ring acts as a dam of sorts, slowing the flow of blood into the erectile tissues in the penis, thus causing what I like to call the “super-erection,” i.e. an erection that is a little bit more engorged than say, an erection that happens on its own. Think of it like anytime you have ever gotten your blood pressure taken. You know when you are sitting there and the cuff around your arm tightens? Your arm gets that tingly, weird sensation and everything feels a bit more urgent – slightly uncomfortable, but super sensational. Pressure has a way of setting our nerves on fire, and keeping blood flow in one particular area, thus, when there is finally that release, when the cuff comes off, there is a stronger feeling of relief. This is just about the same process with a cock – while there is a delayed orgasm (great for your partner!), sensation might range from slight discomfort to great pressure. However, what is reached in the end is an ejaculation that is more pronounced and ultimately more gratifying to the wearer of the cock ring.
What I really love about cock rings is that they have been around forever. While there isn’t really an exact point of when the cock ring became a well-known toy, the first cock rings have been said to have been found at ancient Greek sites, which, you know, quelle surprise (I love my kinky ancestors). However, the period in which they are first documented is during China’s Jin Dynasty, gaining popularity during the Song and Ming dynasty. Cock rings became quasi-status symbols, much like the intended effect of middle-aged men buying fancy cars in our day and age. While this in and of itself is a hilarious notion (one that has been best described by one of my favorite queens, Pandora Boxx). Cock rings have been made with everything under the sun, from jade and ivory to animal skins (mmm, goat eyelids), and today’s more preferred materials of steel, silicon, rubber, and plastic. Cock rings continued in their purpose of enhancement and satisfaction until everyone’s favorite age, the Victorian era, came along and cock rings became a device to actually reduce urges and erections – most commonly as a a spiky or uncomfortable feeling ring put around young boys’ and men’s (yes, young boys’ and men’s) cocks to make having an erection feel awful. Don’t you love how contradictory the Victorian age was? However, much like the vibrator as a medical device, once cock rings were found to be objects of pleasure, their popularity dropped off until the 1960s when sex toys became more popular due to the multiple cultural movements happening. Cock rings – the more you know!
So now to actually answer your question, my love. How do you use a cock ring? Don’t worry! It’s way more simple than one may think. So here is my advice to you, dear soon-to-be cock ring lover:
1. Find a legit cock ring: If you are new to wearing cock rings, my recommendation would be to find a nice beginner piece, preferably something made from silicon. While steel cock rings are like the golden thunder of cock rings, starting with a less intense piece will give you time to build up to the type of experience you want to have with a cock ring. Find a nice silicon cock ring that is relatively stretchy. You can also try plastic, but I always like to tell folks that silicon is less likely to absorb bacteria and since it will be around your cock, which will be sweaty, as well as potentially pushing up against some bodily fluids, it’s better to go with the ring that will last long term.
2. Scrub a dub dub that cock ring: As with all fresh, new sex toys, give your brand new cock ring a nice rinse, perhaps with a wee bit of soap. We all have different degrees of skin irritation and what may be great for your partner may agitate you, or vice versa. Giving your brand new toy a quick wash will guard against a bit of this potential agitation.
3. Slip it on, slip it on: Time to test drive your new cock ring! With a semi-erect or fully erect penis, stretch the cock ring a bit, so that the top of the ring is wider than the bottom. Slide it over the head of the penis, while simultaneously stretching the bottom half underneath the head. Slowly but surely slide the ring down the shaft of your penis, making sure not to catch any stray pubic hairs. Roll it down the penis, or you can hold it stretched out until you reach the bottom of the shaft. Once down at the base of your penis, release your hands from the cock, and see how the pressure feels. If you have a cock ring that is intended to be placed underneath the scrotum, stretch the top half over your penis, and then, the bottom half over your testicles. If you have a cock ring that is intended for just below the head, you can just snap it on at the same time. When in doubt, lube, lube, lube. Lube is magical and never underestimate its powers, especially when using sex toys. My suggestion would be to use water-based so it doesn’t end up eating your toy and causing damage.
A cock ring should never be too tight – you can damage the penile tissue by restricting too much blood flow and well, it hurts. The common time frame suggested for cock rings is 20 minutes. If you’re a newbie, try ten and see how that feels. Try bits of time, wearing it for five or ten minutes during foreplay, taking it off for another five, then another five to ten minutes with penetration or oral sex. The idea is to get you used to the idea of what will feel the best with the cock ring on. If your cock ring feels really unpleasant, please take it off. No sense in you wearing a cock ring for pleasure and it feels like some medieval torture device from Satan’s asshole. If this seems a bit abstract, the NSFW videos below might provide a better visual understanding of how to put them on (as well as some opinions of very satisfied folks).
Once you’re done using your cock ring, remember a good ol’ fashioned clean up makes everyone happy – especially your cock ring. Take the batteries out of it if the cock ring has a vibrator, and make sure that it is stowed away for the next time.
And most importantly, have fun! The cock ring is supposed to enhance your sexual experience, not damper it. Of course, there will always be moments of awkwardness and clumsiness, but all in all, you will get used to it if it is your thing. Be excited for this new tool to be included in your sexual resume! So happy cock-ringing my friend – may all your erections be sustained, and your pressure be pleasurable.